Promote wellness from head-to-toe with this master mix of essentials vitamins and minerals based on the original Myers' Cocktail to enhance your energy, detoxify your body and soothe your mind.
Click HERE to learn more about REvive IV drip
Combat the feelings of a hangover, replenish lost hydration and rebalance your body after a long night out with this specialized and soothing fomula.
Click HERE to learn more about REsuscitate IV drip
Don't let migraines slow you down. Our RElief drip thoroughly hydrates you, restores your levels of electrolytes and vitamins, and flushes out damaging free radicals that can contribute to migraine symptoms.
Click HERE to learn more about RElief IV Drip
Refresh your beauty and your body with anti-aging nutrients specially formulted to turn back the clock and turn up your energy.
Click HERE to learn more about REsilient IV drip
Relax to the max with this tension-taming and adrenal-supporting treatment designed to heal the body and hush the mind.
Click HERE to learn more about REtreat IV drip
Supercharge your immune system and restore the minerals you need to rebalance and rehydrate your body with this essential, revitalizing treatment.
Click HERE to learn more about REsistance IV drip
Enhance cellular regeneration, repair damaged DNA, protect brain cells, fight internal inflammation and help fend off neurodegenerative disorders with this potent NAD drip.
Click HERE to learn more about RE-eNgAgeD IV drip